Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back Workout

I was finally able to get in a good workout today, the last few days have been extremely busy with school, informationals  meetings, and the career fair. Although I have squeezed in a couple workouts this week they were short and nothing too hard, however, something is better then nothing!

Today I worked on my back (my second favorite workout!) and it went great! I was noticing that the amount of weight I usually use was feeling light, that means time to add more!

Here is the workout I did today:

Pull-ups (weighted) - 6 reps of 12
Bent-over barbell row - 6 reps of 15
Dead-lifts - 6 sets of 15
Dumbbell pullovers - 6 reps of 15  (these are my favorite!)
Bow and Arrow - 5 sets of 30 (15 each arm)
Lat pull-downs - 5 sets of 15

I also worked on my abs and then I jogged a mile.

Not the best picture sorry

Loving the results I'm getting! clean, train dirty!

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