Thursday, September 20, 2012

Still Learning

As you can tell by the title I am still learning this whole blogging deal. And as you can probably tell I am not very good at it. I failed to post again last night. Sorry! It has just been a very busy week. This is has been the start of the first round of tests and since I am taking 5 classes I have a lot to study. Also, I did not make it to the gym yesterday either. I know I know I am slacking. However, I have kept my diet clean and I plan on hitting the gym hard the rest of this week.

I recently started drinking green tea every night before bed and I am really starting to enjoy it. I had always heard that green tea was a natural antioxidant that is good for you but I never really caught on to drinking it, but I have officially started. Green tea is supposed to help aid in weight loss. I have been drinking it plain but you can add some honey if you'd like.

Sorry I do not have a lot to say today. I will gets some recipes and clean eats together to post later along with some workouts.

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