Saturday, September 22, 2012

Enjoying my Saturday

I am so glad that the weekend is finally here! That means no classes and a good workout. I started my morning off with some eggs, turkey bacon, a kiwi, and an orange. Basically the only things I really have left for breakfast. (I really need to go to the grocery store!) It is good to have protein in the morning because it will keep you feeling fuller longer throughout that day. 

For my workout today I decided to hit my legs. My shoulders are feeling kind of sore still from my workout the other day, and with my left shoulder being messed up like it is, I didn't want to strain it with an arm workout. Plus I had a couple leg workout ideas in mind that I wanted to try in order to switch up my routine.

Here's what I did:

warm-up (5 minute jog) at 6.0
barbell squats - 4 sets of 10
sumo squats - 4 sets of 10
Reverse lunges 4 sets of 10 on each leg
Walking lunges - 4 sets of 8 each leg
Straight leg deadlift - 4 sets of 10
one-legged lunges - 4 sets of 8 on each leg
Side lunges - 4 sets of 8 each leg
calf raises - 3 sets of 15
Stretch - cool down 

My legs were definitely feeling it after this!! Next time I am also going to add leg presses and wall sits. I just ran out of time today and I had to get going. Probably a good thing though because my legs were getting very tired! 

Not a great picture, sorry, I was in a hurry
 I was feeling pretty proud of my arms today even though I didn't work them so I had to snap a couple pictures.

Finally seeing muscle tone along the side of my shoulders (looks like 3 muscles going diagonally across)

Need to work on that underside of my arm but I'm loving the way my biceps are coming along!

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