Sunday, September 23, 2012

My arms hate me

It's late, and I have to be early tomorrow so here's a short and sweet post about my arm workout today. 
I started my day with protein pancakes one with banana and one with banana and raspberries. Then I had a tuna sandwich for lunch and killed my workout!

Warm up
Alternating dumb-bell curl 4 sets of 10
Overhead tricep extension 4sets of 10
Standing cable curl 4 sets of 10
Tricep rope push down 4 sets of 10
Tricep dumbbell kickback 4 sets of 10
Superset (two workouts after another with no rest between sets) push ups and bench dips 4 sets of 10
Cool down

This was a killer workout and my arms were definitely feeling it, especially because I upped my weights in everything I did from the amount I normally do. Have to push yourself to get stronger, go further, and get leaner! My arms hate me but I'm going to love the way they look soon! 

I hope everyone had a good Sunday and killed their workouts! 

Eat clean, train mean! 

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