Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Challenge You...

Alright I have begun a challenge to go 10 days clean, this means NO cheat meals. With my busy schedule it is hard to keep form cheating, even if its just for a snack, but I want to see just how powerful clean food can be on your body. So I am experimenting with my body, in a good/healthy way, to see if I can transform my stomach into becoming very lean and maybe even showing my muscles! This means that food prep will be very important for me these next couple weeks so that I don't get stuck hungry at school with nothing healthy to eat.

Take this journey with me! If you've already cheated today, its OK, start your ten days tomorrow.
Remember to take a picture of yourself today, and then take another on the tenth day so you can compare your results!

Abs are made in the kitchen! You can do sit ups all day but if you don't eat clean you will never be able to see them!

So go eat clean, and train mean!!

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